Avp gay pride nyc events

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Time Out New York and Visit Austin present a Pride celebration, featuring performances from EmergencyTiara, Elizabeth James, and Ruby Roo. Also enter to win travel vouchers from JetBlue.

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Diva Jackie Dupree also appears while you enjoy cocktails by Tito's, Lagunitas Beer, and a stop at the photo booth. The New York City Anti-Violence Project celebrates Pride with DJ Justin Dawson and DJ David Michael. With tasting from a selection of some of New York's finest restaurants and seasonal cocktails at the open bar, the summer chic party comes with beautiful views of the Hudson River. Presented by Prudential, the LGBTQ Community Center hosts their annual Garden Party. Hudson River Park - Pier 84 (Westside Highway at 44 St) There's a party for anyone, no matter their identity, to mingle with their queer family.

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It is after all where the holiday originated. Although NYC Pride provides a full roster of amazing official events, the festivities take place all over the city.

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Pride in New York is a week-long celebration, as queers and allies from the city and abroad come to celebrate the LGBTQ community.

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